Friday, September 03, 2004
So I've been keeping busy in my own small way, discovering the unexpected horrors of creating DVD's [that inexplicably appear to be of lower quality than VCDs / VHS - and I'm sure it's just me...], having finally completed the 'short film' I've been working on for the past three years with me old northern chums Al and Jo [links soon cause I think I'm going to post .mp3's of the whole thing and .mpg's of a couple of scenes. It's very arty. There's a couple of scenes that make me think of those early 4AD record covers. Man... if only every .mp3 file you had came with its own custom icon...] having fun with making 'pop songs' [our idea of pop being Curve]. Feeling human. Just getting on with life. No complaints - which is maybe why I have nothing to say? Not writing much at all at the moment but spending way too much time on music.
Details soon.
Rollo Kim
posted by Rollo Kim | 6:55 AM